雅马哈将于2015年5月25日发布商务脚踏车「GEAR」 CustomJapan

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Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. will release “GEAR” 2015 new models business scooter on May 25

Higher engine performance, lower fuel consumption ! 3 latest series of “GEAR” will be released this spring.
「GEAR」系列的2015年最新3款分别为—标准版「(GEAR)BX50」;报纸配送专用车型「GEAR BX50N(NEWSGEAR)」;以及不倾斜车身,骑坐的状态下就可以简便地支放支架的「GEAR BX50S(GEAR Parking Stand)」。燃料发动机采用了能够提高燃油使用率的新型发动机, 与以往的车型相比,预计可节省约17%的燃油费用。

2015 latest series includes “GEAR BX50” Standard; newspaper delivery special models “GEAR BX50N (NEWSGEAR)”; and “GEAR BX50S (GEAR Parking Stand)”—a model you can smoothly release and hang on the stand without tilting (sitting on the seat )scooter. Compared with the previous model, it is expected to save about 17% of fuel costs.

PS: This model is manufactured by Taiwan Yamaha.


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■ Model Name / Price
1)GEAR BX50(GEAR)/226,800日元
GEAR BX50 (GEAR) / 226,800 yen

2)GEAR BX50N(NEWS GEAR)/237,600日元
GEAR BX50N (NEWS GEAR) / 237,600 yen

3)GEAR BX50S(GEAR Parking Stand)/248,400日元
GEAR BX50S (GEAR Parking Stand) / 248,400 yen
■ Color / milk white

■ Release date / May 25, 2015

■ Sales plan (Japan domestic total number for this model) / 10,000

※ The above price does not include all kinds of taxes.
Tokyo, Osaka two grand motorcycle shows in March,we were fortunate in participating in
one of them

In the vibrant spring of March, two motorcycle grand exhibition kicked off in Japan, they are:
“31st Osaka Motorcycle Show 2015” (March 20 to 22)
“42nd Tokyo Motorcycle Show2015” (March 27 to the 29)


Just 3 days of the exhibition, countless fans from domestic and foreign visited both shows.

According to statistics, this year 60,000 visitors came to Osaka Motorcycle Show. Visitors of Tokyo Motorcycle Show reached as many as 130,000. The total number of visitors of 2 shows far exceeded the number of participants in 2013 and 2014.

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而在本届的东京展会中, 除了我司参展以外还有我们的合作伙伴国际轮胎知名品牌「TIMSUN」与西班牙著名摩托车后备箱品牌「SHAD」双双助阵。为提高宣传力度以及品牌的认知度和知名度打响极其漂亮的一炮。在「TIMSUN」专注于推广以TS650为首的轮胎系列的同时,我司也为亲临现场的参观者精心准备了一份礼物——独一无二的「39boy」精致礼包。当然了,我们自己的品牌ProTools也列入了本次展会的重点宣传行列。

This time in Tokyo Motorcycle Show, we exhibited international renowned tire brand “TIMSUN” and the famous Spanish motorcycle top case brand “SHAD”. Through the advertising, products’ degree of recognition were raised. “TIMSUN” focused on promoting TS650 series tire. In the meanwhile we also prepared unique” 39boy ” gifts for visitors. Of course, we also exhibited the famous professional brand “lion battery” and machine tools manufacture “ProTools”.

In order to get a 39boy gift, a large number of visitors came to our booth ..It became a topic of this show.


Our staffs also very cherished this opportunity. They actively promoted the product, tried their best to answer visitors’ questions. I think this greatly improved their work ethic and communication skills.

39(Thank you)boy也受到了广大观客的热情关注,还趁机拍了不少的照片,很高兴也很满足!
Our company’s mascot 39 (39 means Thank you) boy received warm concern from visitors. He also took a lot of photos with them. I think he was greatly satisfied with it.

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Japanese children’s day

Most countries in the world have their own children’s day.
Well, do you know what’s the date of children’s Day in Japan?
Maybe this doesn’t sound interesting, but there is a special reason.
In Japan both boys and girls have their own children’s day. How interesting! I will tell you the reason why they have two children’s days in Japan.

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Children’s day in Japan was established in May 5, 1984. It is a festival emphasizes growth and happiness of children. Children can also expressed gratitude to the mother on this day. May 5th is just the last day of golden week, which also we can see their wishes for children’s healthy growth.

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Long, long ago “Dragon Boat Festival” is held once a year, to celebrate the birth and growth of a boy. This tradition continues until today. This is the reason why Japan in the children’s day is used to put up carp streamers and decorate home with armor.

So the question was, since the traditional Japanese children’s Day is only belongs to the boy, why did it become to a festival for both boys and girls?

In fact, generally in Kamakura to Edo period ,people thought Dragon Boat Festival was belong to the boy. In the early of Heian and Nara period, the Dragon Boat Festival not only has the significance of preventing disaster (this tradition came from China), but also to be the same one with the ancient Japanese god of rice transplanting ceremony.